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The old logo is what most first time photoshop users would end up with shortly after discovering the bevel feature. It's about time they updated it.

It's funny how tastes shift. This whole "flat" look that's currently in would have looked babyish in the tech space 10+ years ago. And so it goes with bevels, shadows, and all the rest.. looks silly to us now but was de rigeur back then! :-)

Of course, things will continue to shift and today's trendiest looks will seem ridiculous in 2023..

In 2023 all the hipsters will use B&W design. "You use colors? OMG, that looks like it was designed in 2010."

There is a precedent already: http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~wolinski/acfi.html

Just wait. Times New Roman is coming back...

2023? Visual Studio switched to largely B&W icons in its 2012 release. Some of the websites that have been linked from HN as prime examples of flat design also used the B&W icon motif (I don't recall which ones specifically though).

Ick, don't remind me. Looking at the source control browser in VS2012 makes my eyes want to bleed.

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