Very interesting article. But then, frankly, if you're ever in the need for that kind of things, why don't you make yourself a favor and stop using javascript (especially on the server, where there are plenty other alternatives) ?
I mean, if someone comes to me with some server code running a "trampoline" library so that he can perform tail-call optimization in javascript on node.js , he really better have some extremely good justification.
definitely true... If you're doing CPU intensive stuff in node, you should consider the following... worker script(s) (generic-pool helps too), with .fork(), refactoring the loop to use an async response with setImmediate, or converting to a binary module.
I mean, if someone comes to me with some server code running a "trampoline" library so that he can perform tail-call optimization in javascript on node.js , he really better have some extremely good justification.