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You need aggregation! Here, let me help:

Use iGoogle. RSS+email. If that's too cluttered for your tastes, use Google Reader separately. In my system, RSS is for bulk while email is for specifics.

Twitter: RSS the feeds you care about, have personal tweets go to your cell. No more checking twitter.

Facebook: Use the mobile feature for things you really care about, and email for the less important things. They don't allow RSS for their news feed, so if you care about that... you're mostly out of luck :(

Bug tracker: Email + RSS. Works very well.

Hacker news: RSS.

Also, bonus tip for email: Your cell has it's own email address. Use filters to forward important email to your cell. The message will get chopped, and you will only receive who it's from, the subject, and a couple of words from the body. This reduces the amount of checking you'll have to do, since all the important stuff is taken care of.

Thanks for your help :-)

What I meant wasn't "I have to check all these pages separately instead of checking iGoogle or FriendFeed". What I meant was "this could potentially be yet another communications channel for people to reach my eyeballs, and I'm sick of new communications channels".

I'm with you on that. I'm trying to think of a way to tweak Gmail so so stuff from mailing lists can sit in my inbox long enough to be noticed but then be quietly auto-archived if I haven't looked at it after 24 hours. About half of what I receive ought to come with an expiry date.Also...er, [redacted].

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