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Too bad. The website seems very "High school project" caliber but I like the mission very much. It would be a shame if it's a scam.

1. an edtech accelerator embracing lean startup practices. 2. a collaborative coworking community in NYC dedicated to education entrepreneurship. 3. a campus focused on learning technology. 4. the birthplace of the future of learning.

One thing I do notice is there's a fine line between "We have 60% of the stuff figured out, and will make up the rest of the 40% as we go" and going 40/60 instead. One is an ambitious startup, the other is a scam.

Once upon a time, I had sent an email to an org with criticism of their web site and how it's hurting their image, only to find out that they gave the web dev opportunity to a high school kid in the area who really wanted the experience. The org was completely legit, and IMO they did a good thing by giving some kid a chance. If the org's product is not the web site, then I don't see why they should waste money/time on an amazing designer/developer when that money could ease operational needs elsewhere.

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