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With all due respect to pgsql, mondiran and mysql - you're using the wrong toolkit. You need a column store, like Vertica, kdb+, TimesTen (now Oracle?), Sybase anytime (I think that was what it was called).

You can do very well at much, much lower cost in the Python world: pandas, PyTables, or even just straight numpy.

Seriously, using any of these would make the report generation time basically zero, and you'd just have to make your ETL work quickly enough to feed it; how well this can be solved depends on how you store the original data ("pre-facts").

The book written by this guy http://blog.wesmckinney.com/ (and the guy himself, if you can get him) will probably advance you way more than experiments.

I didn't make it clear in my response, and thats my fault. We actually dont use pg, mondrian, or mysql anymore.

We ended up with a golang solution that we use essentially like you would with a column store. It's very fast and extremely thin.

> ...you're using the wrong toolkit. You need...

Ouch. Do you really feel so well acquainted with their internal design that you can use such strong language? It comes across as dogmatic.

I am only as familiar as orenmazor describes above.

Would you have said that if I urged him to get a hammer to hit on nails, rather than a screwdriver? It is about as dogmatic. (you can put nails into a wall with a large enough screwdriver - I've done it myself before when the nail was small enough and i had no hammer - but it's still the wrong toolkit)

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