> Or maybe I put quotes around it because I don't agree with that assertion and it's a quote from the article...
Well, that's unfortunate, because you are wrong. You don't have full control over the system. It's not a matter of debate. You don't. You simply don't. There are elements that you cannot control in OS X. That are closed source.
I mean, maybe you are a developer for Apple. I don't know. And maybe you do have access to the source code. But the average? No.
> Can you give me an example? I'm genuinely curious...
Proper full screen support on multiple monitors. It should finally be fixed in Mavericks. That being said, the window management is still fairly weak compared to what I implemented years ago.
(I forget the WM I was using at the time, but it wasn't properly handling full screen support in a multi-head environment. I patched it, as well as added some handling for allowing easy movement of FS windows to other screens via key-board shortcuts.)
> Yet the author certainly could get a MBA,
The author is not the only web developer out there. So I don't see how that matters.
Edit: And if being able to script is your proof that everyone has full control over OS X, you also need to share your definition of "full" as it definitely doesn't mean what you think it means.
What window management features, exactly, are impossible to implement because OSX is proprietary?
You obviously have a visceral and emotional opposition to closed-source software, and I respect that, but what exactly is the functionality that you need that OSX can't be made to provide?
>Can you give me an example? I'm genuinely curious...
Try getting connectors to MSSQL working properly (in various languages) on either OS. It's annoying as hell on Linux, damn near impossible on OSX (without cheating using ODBC instead of native drivers).
ODBC connectors don't offer the same suite of functions that native MSSQL might for a given language. This was annoyingly true for me at my last place of employment. MSSQL/T-SQL horsecrap for "BI" since everyone "knows" MSSQL is better.
As usual, these things are the decisions of the architects, not the analysts. As such...
Or maybe I put quotes around it because I don't agree with that assertion and it's a quote from the article...
> And problems I've solved in the past on Linux are still problems to this day on OS X.
Can you give me an example? I'm genuinely curious...
> This ignores people starting out, or in different locations.
Yet the author certainly could get a MBA, as he specifically references having one.