>> First, editorailized headlines are not allowed by site rules. (EDIT: The headline is now changed. It previously read, "Change your IP, go to jail" or something like that.)
sorry if I find this amusing, the article is also about rules and people interpretation of them, freedom to access information, broadly speaking freedom. As journalists are free to make up their title when reporting news, interpreting by their PoV, why are we not allowed to do same?
Don't get me wrong, good rules are good (though yhey require trust), but that comment on this very news made me smile.
We are, just not in the link title field. From the guidelines: If you want to add initial commentary on the link, write a blog post about it and submit that instead.
To which you reply "Submitter here. I wanted to add my take on it, as per the guidelines: If you want to add initial commentary on the link, write a blog post about it and submit that instead.".
sorry if I find this amusing, the article is also about rules and people interpretation of them, freedom to access information, broadly speaking freedom. As journalists are free to make up their title when reporting news, interpreting by their PoV, why are we not allowed to do same? Don't get me wrong, good rules are good (though yhey require trust), but that comment on this very news made me smile.