> Doesn't a prohibition period on hiring only work if you're hiring children? ... Does immediate termination come with a three month severance package?
My thoughts exactly. You're asking someone to take a big risk with your company by bringing them on on probation. They may be leaving a well-paying, stable job to do it.
You have to do something to temper that risk, ideally with a very large severance or something like it.
We're upfront about the probationary period with all candidates, they start knowing they'll receive a lot of feedback in the first few weeks, they'll get an opportunity to see if it's a fit from their side and also from the team's side.
My thoughts exactly. You're asking someone to take a big risk with your company by bringing them on on probation. They may be leaving a well-paying, stable job to do it.
You have to do something to temper that risk, ideally with a very large severance or something like it.