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Interesting idea. Btw, the default placeholders for Contact name and email address made me realize immediately that this site is using foundation for css (even without looking at the source) :). I have been playing with the same.

Your landing page though is a little confusing. Ok so we can do more by procrastinating and then immediately you have the pricing table. I have no clue what it means. Yes you have a "how it works" section below but the pricing table needs to be somewhere else in my opinion.

"When people have a big task to do they usually tend to start working on lots of other smaller things."

Not sure if this can be generalized. When I procrastinate, i don't even do the small tasks. Heck, I will keep looking at that little light bulb that needs to be changed but I won't.

agree! this is one gigantic confused mess. I applaud the intention behind it but time to go back to the drawing board or at least do a small focus group and get feedback from real live people (excluding those who built this who are obviously too close to it to realize it doesn't accomplish its stated goal).

also, if the service isn't available, wouldn't it be a perfect time to not have the buttons and price points for purchase and instead use a video, prezi or some other form of succinct and lucid presentation to explain what problem you are trying to solve and HOW you're going about that?

You are right - the website could be done better

I came up to this idea like two or three days ago and built this page. This is more like a test ballon to figure out if there is any potential.

Your test balloon will be misleading.

I have lots of stuff to do, and feel like I'm not doing it as fast as I could. I want to procrastinate less. I'm very much in the market for anything that helps me be more efficient.

But I have no idea what your site does. I'm not saying that to be harsh.

What I'm saying is: your test balloon is in no way indicative of the worthiness of your idea. You could very easily get a false negative, because people who are interested can't figure it out and don't sign up.

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