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This reminds me of the recent Postgres vs. MySQL discussion in that the Postgres users/developers were so convinced of their superiority they didn't bother with all the little things like easy installs on windows and so lost to an inferior (in certain ways) foe.

I like Opera as a company but their desktop UI has always had a clunky, KDE-like feel to it. It's configurable enough that you can change it quite radically but they start with lots of stuff turned on.

Indeed, I've tried opera a few times. Usually no performance or core web-browsing improvements I can see over the stock one I use (firefox/chrome/safari, depending on platform). But there's plenty of ugly and clunky that goes with it, that quickly loses my interest.

I disagree with your point about the performance issues.

I've had increasing issues with Flash video stuttering (audio stays fine, but video freezes momentarily until it "catches up") on Firefox.

I recently switched to Opera and these issues have completely disappeared.

I find it practical, personally. I've always used WinXP with the Win98 'classic' theme, and Opera with the Opera6 theme. Not particularly beautiful but very responsive and easy to navigate.

That's my experience too, except that I continue to use it. I like the fact I can configure the toolbars and the toolbar layout 100%.

The default skin is kind of ugly. I used Christian Kreb's m 7 for a while, which is very clean, and lately I've been using c00.

m 7: http://my.cn.opera.com/community/customize/skins/info/?id=45... (doesn't seem to be on the US site anymore, no idea why)

c00: http://my.opera.com/community/customize/skins/info/?id=8692

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