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Beating the CAP Theorem Checklist (ferd.ca)
89 points by pjvds on Aug 15, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 19 comments

Nice checklist! I really like Coda Hale's "You Can't Sacrifice Partition Tolerance" [0]

I think part of people's frequent confusion is thinking it's "CAP: Pick two" when really it's "C or A: pick at most one for any particular situation".

0: http://codahale.com/you-cant-sacrifice-partition-tolerance/

The Oct 22 update basically says "nevermind".

No; the Oct 21st update notes that someone (important) "disagrees", and then the Oct 22nd update takes that disagreement, quotes a particular paragraph from it, concedes a single point (one that is mostly about terminology), and then has a "that said" that in turn disputes the overall conclusion of that disagreement both in this specific aspect and in the general case over the following paragraphs (which all back up his overall position that A vs C is valuable to consider).

In fact, the part being disagreed with on Oct 21st wasn't even the idea that CAP is itself correct, or that "you can't give up partition tolerance", but instead is over the contention that choosing A over C is ever the correct design decision: the argument from Stonebraker is that in real-world systems A is hopeless to obtain anyway as while network partitions do occur, they are far less frequent than "bohrbugs, application errors, human errors and reprovisioning events".

One thing they don't teach in CAP theorem class is that you can be AP sometimes and CP others. For instance you can be strongly consistent within one system boundary (perhaps a datacenter) and eventually consistent between datacenters.

The CAP theorem can thus be annoying on both sides of the divide: people who think they can beat it, and people who think every system must be fully described by either AP or CP. Real life is messy, and for most real distributed systems you can't adequately characterize thier behavior just by pointing to a single spot on a Venn diagram of CAP.

More than that. Individual operations in a system could be AP and others CP. If you have something like dynamic quorum sizes, making quorums a majority would work towards some form of CP, while making it smaller than a majority could work towards AP constraints.

There are of course more mechanisms to consider when positioning yourself on the spectrum, but nothing would keep you from requiring CP for operations that have to do with subscriptions, and AP for operations that show how many people are online on a website, for example.

Then you have to consider 'refinements' over cap such as PACELC, where you can decide to switch modes depending on cluster health. For example, you could decide that when there is a (P)artition, you are (A)vailable, (E)lse, you are (C)onsistent. Nothing also stops you from providing, if you want extremely low latency, no consistency at all. For a cache, choosing latency (which would be PAEL, where L stands for Latency) would make sense.

CAP is just the very basic set of rules to consider when going distributed.

In case someone does not recognize the reference, this is a parody of the Spam Solutions Checklist that used to be circulated when e-mail spam was a new issue: https://craphound.com/spamsolutions.txt

I think everyone accepts that the CAP theorem (as proved) is true. The issue is what conclusion you draw. The theorem just says you can't be perfect on all three axes. Some people conclude that we must throw everything away, and e.g. use a key-value store.

To my mind, that's a bit like learning about random bit-flips, and giving up programming.

Here are a few examples:




Not everyone accepts the CAP theorem yet, or some have an understanding of it that is flawed enough that they think they can beat it.

One of those was posted on April 1st :-)

Nathan's post is very interesting - thanks for posting that. He has taken on board the implications of CAP, and built a system (Storm) that is genuinely different.

I wish more people did that. If you're going to use CAP to justify building a database but having it be less capable, that's just marketing. If you're going to look at CAP and think "OK, we can't get to 100%, but how can we get closer", then that's great. For blog marketing reasons, you might describe that as "beating the CAP theorem"; but it's actually finding new solutions within the constraints.

Good catch for April fools! I shouldn't have included that one, obviously.

For the nathan post, reading the comments reveal that he ends up acknowledging CAP is true, which would make him fall into the "( ) nice try, but blatantly false advertising" box of the list.

CAP theorem can be used as an excuse to provide weak systems that don't do much (unfortunately), but it doesn't mean it's what it is meant to validate as an idea, fortunately. As I mentioned in another comment, it's more or less a very basic set of rules (axioms?) to consider when building distributed systems.

    * Rich Hickey on Datomic, CAP and ACID [1]
    * Exploiting Loopholes in CAP (Michael Nygard of Relevance) [2]
    * How to beat the CAP theorem (by Nathan Marz of Twitter) [3]
[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5093037 [2] http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Loopholes-CAP [3] http://nathanmarz.com/blog/how-to-beat-the-cap-theorem.html

It would be fairly awesome if the page parsed params to put x's in the appropriate spots, so you you could use the appropriate link to customize it for the recipient you send it to.

Seems to have been inspired by the Programming Language Checklist: http://colinm.org/language_checklist.html

I understand that this is probably wrong somehow, but what about a system wherein there is sufficient capacity to take a "partitioned" datacenter out of the loop entirely and serve web traffic from your other locations, then bring it back up to speed while still offline after the disruption ends?

Again, I accept that that's probably bad, but why?

Your strategy as I understand it is CP. In the case that you have a partition and it's not a majority, it stops accepting traffic or goes read-only.

Say an outage leaves your three DCs (or more generally, N partitions, of which none are a majority) unable to talk to one-another. They are all a minority and so all go offline or read-only. No partition can accept writes without risking that another partition is too, and that those writes will be inconsistent.

You're partition tolerant, and have consistency guarantees, but you're not available.

Can I "cheat" by having satellite, PSTN, cell phones, semaphore, smoke signals, sneakernet, etc. to allow the DCs to negotiate (perhaps randomly) which will consider itself the master? Then the non-masters could direct users to the master.

I guess this isn't a true "partition" and if we're talking about an internet backbone cable cut, it might go unavailable for some users who could not be redirected, but for the rest it is intact. While networking failures are to be expected, could I minimize my risk of a complete partition by sharing this status information? I suppose if we're in a cartoon end-of-the-world scenario where my 3 DCs drift out to sea on separate continents, I go unavailable, but at that point everyone has bigger problems to worry about.

If the PSTN, cell phone network, Internet, dedicated fiber link, shortwave radio, roads, and navigable airspace (drone, helicopter, carrier pigeon) between all 3 of my locations are severed, then the system goes completely unavailable, but at this point we're talking about a mass casualty incident, civilization collapse, or other situation where no one would be trying to use my system anyway. Medical records for first responders would have to fail to "eventually consistent" but patients can only be in one place at a time. Unless my system is the nuclear deterrent, does it matter?

The partition part is about how tolerant your system is to a partition situation. Having massively reliable communications between systems will reduce your MTBF, but it doesn't address how your system will actually handle a partition. You do need to account for it one way or the other. If you get a partition, you can't keep operating with consistency across the whole system.

Now when you look at patient data .. sure, eventually consistent might be just fine.. but that's not consistency as referred to in CAP. So while it's perfectly acceptable to your app, it's not about making CAP invalid.

>If you get a partition, you can't keep operating with consistency across the whole system.

But why can't I shut down some nodes and direct all my users to the other(s)? As long as I have enough of a channel to communicate which node is now authoritative (and if all systems including driving between DCs fail simeltaneously, nobody needs my app anyway) can't I keep serving my users out of one DC?

Thank you for engaging this thought experiment, by the way. This is fascinating stuff.

As the linked site notes, clients are part of the distributed system, which means they can be partitioned as well, both from each other (more important in a P2P app) and from your servers. So you may not be able to "direct all your users to the other(s)."

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