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Braintree Takes On Stripe, PayPal With Debut Of “Marketplace” (techcrunch.com)
49 points by dpick on Aug 14, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

Meh. Welcome to the party, a couple of years late. I'll stick with Balanced. Fantastic product, incredible support. Not even a question. Braintree's bread and butter is card processing. Balanced's is marketplaces / payouts.

+ 1

So now there are 5 players in this space (that I know of).

Ordered by the launch date of their marketplace offering: WePay, Balanced Payments, Stripe, Paymill, Braintree.

Edit: Added WePay.

Elliott from WePay here - don't mean to turn these comments into a corporate stick-measuring contest, but our API has been able to support this use case since August of 2011.

Sorry Elliot I did not know that. I added WePay to the list.

Just to keep it historically accurate, PayPal's Adaptive Payments API supported marketplace use case since mid 2010.

Disclaimer: I used to work on it in my past life.

To keep this historical accuracy trend going: Balanced has been doing marketplace payment for the likes of Zaarly since early 2011.

But congrats to Braintree on the launch!

(Disclosure: I'm a co-founder of Balanced)

Sorry, I googled your launch date, saw some TC posts from 2012 and didn't know you guys were doing beta before that.

Can't edit it anymore...

Looking at Braintree's Marketplace docs, it appears you have to "onboard" each sub-merchant you want to send payouts to, which requires entering their name, address, date of birth, and their social security number. It then says "If [the social security number] is not provided, we will attempt to retrieve the full Social Security number based on the other applicant details."

So my question is: How is it possible / how do they retrieve someone's social security number using apparently just a name, address, and birth date? (Maybe I'm naive, but I thought socials were pretty secure)

Kristi from Braintree here. We work with one of the major credit bureaus to cross-reference the data provided to match it with a social security number.

Ah, that makes sense, thanks!

WePay has had this for years, the title is a bit sensational.

So does Balanced Payments for Marketplaces[1]. Facilitating transactions is a huge pain point for businesses, so it's a big deal to see another company moving in to solve it.

[1]: https://www.balancedpayments.com/

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