It's a filesystem that stores it's data in a temporary packet. So when you ping a server to see if it's up, it sends back the data you sent so you can verify it's okay. It's implemented as a filesystem using FUSE (which allows for all kinds of user space filesystems) so the OS just uses it like a disk or network storage and so on. I believe it works by spamming out pings with the data in them, and when they come back just send them out again.
It's a filesystem that stores it's data in a temporary packet. So when you ping a server to see if it's up, it sends back the data you sent so you can verify it's okay. It's implemented as a filesystem using FUSE (which allows for all kinds of user space filesystems) so the OS just uses it like a disk or network storage and so on. I believe it works by spamming out pings with the data in them, and when they come back just send them out again.