So the key test is: have you persuaded a new investor, new employee, or new client, with no historical relationship to your business, to invest time and/or money in your firm? If so, that’s a sign that your business is likely worth persevering with in its current form.
That's an interesting test. By that standard, we're definitely justified in moving forward as we've added an intern who may be joining the team on a more permanent basis soon, added a new member to our advisory board, and reach tentative agreements to formalize our relationships with 4 other members of our advisory board. And while we are still pre-revenue, we have some irons on the fire that give us reason for hope.
That's an interesting test. By that standard, we're definitely justified in moving forward as we've added an intern who may be joining the team on a more permanent basis soon, added a new member to our advisory board, and reach tentative agreements to formalize our relationships with 4 other members of our advisory board. And while we are still pre-revenue, we have some irons on the fire that give us reason for hope.