Reminds me of a story a police reservist told me. Guy got a license plate caled "none," and instantly had thousands of outstanding warrants. (The cop thought "none" was trying a fast one, and so deserved it.)
In 1986, Robert Barbour applied for a personalized plate. The DMV gives you three choices: he picked SAILING, BOATING. If he couldn't get those, he didn't want a personalized plate, so he put NO PLATE. Of course, he ended up with NO PLATE. Since that's what the police put as the license if a car doesn't have a plate, he ended up with 2500 tickets. Eventually the DMV told the police to write "NONE" instead of "NO PLATE" and said "We're just hoping that no one will come up with plates that say NONE." (Which would be ironic if the parent comment is accurate.)
Reminds me of "the Phantom of Heilbronn", and alleged female serial killer the German police used DNA to link to more than 40 crimes. It baffled the investigators for more than two years until they found out that the DNA was from pollutions in the cotton swabs used for collecting DNA samples.
If I could change one thing about human history, I'd remake the 0 and O's (# and letter) and the I, l, and 1 (letter i, letter L, and #) so you could never confuse them in hard to read CAPATCHs.