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What the Hell Is Microsoft Doing with My Computer? (eweek.com)
9 points by nickb on Sept 30, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

2.3 Internet-Based Services Components. The Software contains components that enable and facilitate the use of certain Internet-based services. You acknowledge and agree that Microsoft may automatically check the version of the Software and/or its components that you are utilizing and may provide upgrades or fixes to the Software that will be automatically downloaded to your Workstation Computer.

2.4 Internet Gaming/Update Features. If you choose to utilize the Internet gaming or update features within the Software, it is necessary to use certain computer system, hardware, and software information to implement the features. By using these features, you explicitly authorize Microsoft or its designated agent to access and utilize the necessary information for Internet gaming and/or updating purposes. Microsoft may use this information solely to improve our software or to provide customized services or technologies to you. Microsoft may disclose this information to others, but not in a form that personally identifies you.

I've always simply assumed that Micros~1 was doing this sort of thing without my knowledge. This is why, if I must run Windows, I do it on a dedicated machine or inside VMWare rather than dual-booting, and won't store my PGP keys on Windows systems. Just think of Windows as malware and treat it accordingly, and you won't get upset when it proves you right.

Unfortunately this silent update itself is not the biggest issue. The history teaches us that any new feature in Windows brings another security breach with it. I'm 80% sure we'll soon have a virus that will exploit WU and will silently install itself even if your automatic updates are off.

(dfranke, do you read your emails? I sent you 2 emails already. Remember our conversation about SQL?)

I got the first one and just realized I mistook the second one for spam. Sorry about the delayed reply. I'll get back to you soon.

Edit: I did.

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