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Why all the fuss with DSLs? Isn't it just "metalinguistic abstraction" as described in the SICP? (mitpress.mit.edu)
4 points by michaelneale on Sept 30, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

"Classic: a book which people praise and don't read."


In other words: Yes, in a world where every coder had an MIT degree, nobody would be especially impressed by DSLs.

Or maybe that wouldn't be enough. I've met several people who had SICP for their first-year programming class and did not like it at all.

Real man don't eat quiche.

Aren't embedded languages (languages built "on lisp") superior to DSL's? Embedded languages can integrate with each other seamlessly if need be... and they can be manipulated in terms of the parent language.

Having access to the full power of the parent language can be a problem. This point is well articulated here: http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/leastPower.html

I agree. It should be much easier to build a decent embedded lingo.

Why does the fact it appears in SICP make it any less interesting? Also, how often do LISPers use Macros for actual metalinguistic abstraction, rather than as a tool for code generation?

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