Times is great! I would say that any hate for Times is a repressed memory from the days when it was the default font in Microsoft Word. I mean, wow, remember this?
I feel like I'm missing the joke. The section "hating on" Times New Roman is displayed in the font-family Times New Roman. Is the author just having some fun?
Yes, I think he's just being clever. If you look at the source you can see the font choice is explicitly set inline, for this page only:
<div style="font-family:Times New Roman;font-size:105%">
So, it's definitely intentional. Moreover, because the rest of the book is typeset in Equity, a Times New Roman replacement the author designed, we have the opportunity to see and feel the difference. It's a kind of "show, don't tell" statement. I think it'd underscore the point better if the last paragraph pointed out that everything you just read was typeset in Times New Roman and then link to a page with the same article typeset in Equity.
I went to another page of his and copied a paragraph, setting one paragraph to use Times New Roman and another to use Equity. Without saying which is which, I'll leave it to you to decide which is "better": http://cl.ly/image/0I333L3d0O2H
I suggest not "cheating" by comparing the font shapes to the example Equity at the top of the page. :D
> Times New Roman is not a font choice so much as the absence of a font choice, like the blackness of deep space is not a color. To look at Times New Roman is to gaze into the void.
Times is great! I would say that any hate for Times is a repressed memory from the days when it was the default font in Microsoft Word. I mean, wow, remember this?