I've been reading the "How to pay for this book" page [1] and noticed that there the author said:
> I programmed a new web-publishing system.
I seem can't find any other reference to that, and still not sure about emailing the author directly yet. My google-fu failed me on this one. Anyone know if the author's system has been published or sold?
> The book was written and designed using Pollen,
> a book-publishing system that I created for this
> project. Pollen was built with Racket, a programming
> language descended from Scheme & Lisp.
> I programmed a new web-publishing system.
I seem can't find any other reference to that, and still not sure about emailing the author directly yet. My google-fu failed me on this one. Anyone know if the author's system has been published or sold?
Thanks before.
[1}: http://practicaltypography.com/how-to-pay-for-this-book.html