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> in order to prosecute a bullshit "war".

Two wars in fact.

> It's enough to know that the government and the media lied their asses off

Life doesn't offer up points for being thoughtful and wise after the event.

The USA invaded IRAQ looking for WMD and trying to blaming Saddam Hussein for 9/11.

Even before the war started it was a well-known fact there were no WMDs and Saddam Hussein had no links to 9/11 and anyone who thought about this rationally knew an invasion was not a good idea.

But as you said the government and the media lied their asses off and the unwashed masses where taken in hook line and sinker.

The majority of the citizens of USA, UK, Australia and Spain all supported the plan to invade IRAQ.

Move on a decade and those same citizens now think it was a big mistake.

Well it too late. You can't put the genie back into the bottle.

Through their collective stupidity, the citizens of the USA, UK, Australia and Spain will be paying for that big mistake for years to come.

What's unfortunate the ripple effect of that big mistake affects us all.

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