HN is a great channel. You don't have to submit links onto the home page to have an impact. Answering a question with a helpful link to a blog post can be almost as impactful.
Journalists are hungry for content, and so are your fellow bloggers. Just find people you vibe with and develop a relationship. Don't slam them with "you should love me cuz I'm awesome". Hit'em with something you care about that may be entirely unrelated to what you're doing.
Network; introduce your friends to reporters, ask the people you know for connections in media. Take time, build a succinct, pretty splash page and have a clear call to action.
Journalists are hungry for content, and so are your fellow bloggers. Just find people you vibe with and develop a relationship. Don't slam them with "you should love me cuz I'm awesome". Hit'em with something you care about that may be entirely unrelated to what you're doing.
Network; introduce your friends to reporters, ask the people you know for connections in media. Take time, build a succinct, pretty splash page and have a clear call to action.
No silver bullets, only lots of lead.