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So it seems he was fired for hiring his own lawyer and contacting people involved with the case instead of talking to his boss?

FTA: "Kruidbos said he became concerned that lead prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda might not have turned over Kruidbos’ report to defense attorneys. ... [his lawyer] then contacted one of Zimmerman’s attorneys and learned the defense had not received the report generated by Kruidbos.

He said he asked [his lawyer] for legal advice because he was concerned he could face “legal exposure” if the cellphone report wasn’t turned over to the defense before the trial started.

He said he did not feel comfortable posing that question to anyone within the office because the State Attorney’s Office had just conducted an in-house probe of whether someone was leaking personnel information."

Bernia de la Rionda is the one who should be fired. Along with the judge.

How does this fall to the judge? (I'm genuinely curious, I have no idea what her role or duties were regarding this.)

Oh, not for this particular instance. Just that she has ruled in such a way that Zimmerman is at more of a disadvantage than he should have been as a defendant.

no, he was fired for making the state attorney look bad.

... as well he should be for not sharing information that should be shared with the defense.

Making someone look bad when it is deserved and when it is not deserved are two very different circumstances.

I would hope that any attorney that acts without ethics should be investigated and removed. If the system is not good enough to self-police itself, then we have a problem.

Could he have instead gone to the state bar to raise his concerns? Is there an equivalent of a Dept of Internal Affairs that investigates prosecutorial misconduct?

wut? i think one of us has misunderstood the article. sorry if it's me.

Huh? Now I'm confused. :)

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