Slim pickings reading wise the decade your were born for computers. I had to drive up to the Princeton U. Bookstore (about 40 miles away) in order to get a book on Unix or C.
The year before you were born I had a machine in which 4mb of memory (in 80's dollars) was something like $4000. That was the cost of the extra memory (the machine was perhaps 35k in 80's dollars approx.) The hard drive was 70mb (Unix multiuser system).
Separately you missed out on the era of hiding Playboy under the bed from mom.
The year before you were born I had a machine in which 4mb of memory (in 80's dollars) was something like $4000. That was the cost of the extra memory (the machine was perhaps 35k in 80's dollars approx.) The hard drive was 70mb (Unix multiuser system).
Separately you missed out on the era of hiding Playboy under the bed from mom.