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You don't happen to know anyone who works there do you?

At SEOMoz,no? But that shouldn't matter - I could see a few ways you could gain large market share. It's clear to me that SEOMoz, large SEO firms, major/minor search engines will either build or acquire something like this. Some thoughts on large account acquisition strategies and revenue...

Account acquisition For SEOMoz - Try a few channels in the door. A) More aggressive/direct - Contact a junior salesman, and sell him. Offer him a referral fee for anybody that uses Angular, etc that he refers. THen try that with each, and approach the head of sales. B) Less aggressive - Follow their blog, and find the key SEO thought leaders in their company or that guest blog. Those are influencers, contact them and offer them initial access. C) Partners - do the same for each of their partners. Investigate their entire client lists (eg: maybe linkedin, etc...offer it for free or reduced - and then leverage that for sales).

For major search engines (Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo) - Offer directly to them, their staff, sales staff to partner to do SEO for angular apps and feed that to the search engines for free (or as a service initially of your time). Have their accounts pull you in. Partner with head SEO influencers, or Google partners. Then use that to approach Google/DuckDuck's staff saying "We already do SEO for 30 of your angular app customers".

For growth hackers - Focus on growth hackers, do cross-promo with them offering special deals. Get them to pull you into the major startups they're at.

For major SEO Firms - similar partnering, sales startegies as above.

Revenue Offer a few tiers, initally to the larger marketing agencies, do it as a service. THis would give you enough revenue to bootstrap (eg: a couple $k per month for a few clients).

Approach a few well known, high grossing startups you know are using Angular, etc and offer to either do it as a service, or to partner and do it for cheap for marketing.

All of these are worth the price you paid - your mileage may vary.

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