I have to say that if this weren't HN, your site was posted, and it timed out, I would never come back again. I mean no disrespect; I really like your idea, but going to a site these days and timing out makes the company look like it runs out of a cardboard box with a 2400 baud modem.
How many people trust their credit card information to a site with slow response times.
Finally I would say that your response to the slow site was rather disconcerting as well. You seem optimistic, like it's no big deal-- When users are having trouble using your product you need to sound concerned and proactive, not lazy and optimistic.
It is a big deal--half the posts in this thread are about how slow the site is. Even now when I load the home page it occasionally says page not found. I'm losing visitors and missing out on potential customers.
99% of the time Dreamhost is fantastic as the site doesn't receive enough traffic to be a problem. Unfortunately, its the 1% that's the most important and we're seeing the results of that right now.
How many people trust their credit card information to a site with slow response times.
Finally I would say that your response to the slow site was rather disconcerting as well. You seem optimistic, like it's no big deal-- When users are having trouble using your product you need to sound concerned and proactive, not lazy and optimistic.