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AFAIK it's reasonably well known as an unintentional troll - there was a stackoverflow question about the FQA (still looking for the link) that basically mooted almost every point.

I was reading it as a neutral party, however some very knowledgeable C++ appeared to convince all comers that the FQA is either based on ignorance or is disingenuous.

I also once tried referencing the C++ FQA on stackoverflow and was quickly downvoted. Maybe SO is just the wrong place to mention it, probably because of a C++ bias from the high percentage of SO users who develop on MS platforms.

Maybe this is it:


Summarizing: "C++ is hard but makes some things possible that aren't in other languages."

The FQA dude is a troll: he criticizes without offering better alternatives, ignoring tradeoffs and considerations and overlooking any advantages offered by C++.

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