I'm looking for good books on the nuts and bolts of starting up. Ideally I prefer things written by someone who has done it a few times. I'm looking for really practical advice rather than something like Founders at Work (good, but not what I'm after).
Topics like hiring sales people, how fast to grow headcount, how to structure options, etc. Book suggestions devoted to individual topics are also welcome.
For resources, here are few that i have in the arsenal:
Marketing: http://startup-marketing.com/ http://andrewchenblog.com/
Legal: http://www.thestartuplawyer.com/
General: http://startuplessonslearned.blogspot.com/ http://onstartups.com/
You can ask any topic: http://discuss.joelonsoftware.com/?biz http://news.ycombinator.com/
Hope it helps.