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Yes it is, but where did the laws come from?

Did our elected representatives just wake up one day and say, "Let us make laws so byzantine, that the people will weep and wail and rend their hair in frustration!"

Well maybe, but I think it's really the lobbyists using carrots (money) and sticks (fear o' God) on the government that got us into this boat.

> Yes it is, but where did the laws come from?

From the government. What's wrong with government (including your carrots and sticks), it what's inherently wrong with democracy. There will always be benefits available to lawmakers who panders to those with money, and there will always be interest groups (religious, unions etc.) to punish those who don't pander to them.

Yes, I'm a small government conservative, and I can almost infer that you're not, so let's just end the discussion here.

Do you just throw your hands in the air and say "Stupid PC!!!!" when your program won't compile?

No, you debug.

This is about debugging a broken program.

Government is a broken program.

It has bad inputs and malformed syntax.

Immediately running for your existing label and attempting to label me achieves nothing.

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