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Math Atlas - a Gateway to modern mathematics (math-atlas.org)
28 points by sundarurfriend on May 7, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Kind of annoying how the url never changes because of the frames (hence no good way to bookmark).

If you start from this page you'll get the exact same page without the frame and be able to bookmark: http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/

The color classification scheme used in the visuals (e.g., foundations, combinatorics, number theory, and abstract algebra grouped together in the purple-red range; differential equations and mathematical physics grouped together as blues; topology and analysis in between in the yellow-green range) struck me as natural and significant. Maybe this arrangement of mathematical specialties on a linear color chart corresponds not just library classifications or publication patterns but to some hard-to-describe characteristics of different types of mathematical mind.

In my own limited experience I've never met anyone who loved both combinatorics and differential equations, so it seemed natural to me that these two areas are far apart on the chart. When I read about efforts to recruit more students to math/science/computing, I want to ask what kind math, what area of computing; different kinds of minds thrive in different environments. It's a pleasure to see some these differences laid out visually in the Mathematical Atlas.

(typo edited)

really? I've come to find a huge relationship between combinatorics and analysis (and hence pde) and thence with group theory. There's some really cool problems that can only be answered via a funky fusion of technique.


the additive combinatorics book by terry tao and van vu give some amazing examples of this

The concept is great. The execution...has room for improvement.

My current gateway to modern mathematics - http://mathworld.wolfram.com/

Though I'm always up for a new and independent resource.

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