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44 percent of all Spaniards under 25 are currently jobless.

Certainly, but they aren't living in poverty. For example, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unemployment_benefits_in_Spain Person with no children: 497.01 / 1087,21 euro which is $650 for doing nothing.

Nevermind the fact that in order to qualify for unemployment benefits you must have worked and contributed in the last few years. As it turns out, most unemployment in Spain, and countries in the same situation, is from fresh out of college students who never had a chance.

Well, you can argue that there is always a choice. And most of them take it, by leaving everything behind and moving to Germany or other central european country. Until they don't want them there anymore.

Spain is extremely price sensitive at the moment. Android has around a 90% marketshare in Spain - largely driven by inexpensive Android phones. Windows Phone is gaining traction, and Apple are not even in the top 5 manufacturers.

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