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Light Table is very interesting (I've used it for some Clojure stuff), but it's competing with emacs. It's gonna be very hard to beat emacs. The legacy of thousands of lines of very useful code & unbelievable extensibility is a big one to overcome. I don't mind saying that I foresee emacs getting a lighttable-mode for dynamic languages before Light Table beats emacs. But I usually have a LightTable install on my computers; it's that promising of a project. :-)

First developments of an LT mode for Emacs:

http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/LightTable https://github.com/Fuco1/litable

Also interesting discussion at:


I am an Emacs user for decades, and I am amazed that Emacs is still superior to almost every other editor. I think the incredible easy plugin system and many powerful plugins (like org-mode) are the reason why Emacs is still alive today. But I am curious how LT develops.

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