What a pussy! I've been working on my c++ compiler compiler for 6 years now and will complete the 1981 c++ specification any day now. I think can get up to 1995 around 2015 now that I've defeated regex. I'll have my certification within the next 5 years! And you'll have what? A regular paying job? Ha! Pussy!
But you didn't defeat regex, they didn't add it to the std until C++11. Don't look forward to that mastery until around 2084. And like the author says, you aren't a true C++ master until you write your own regex parser in order to write your own compiler. Or the other way around. It gets messy.
Also, I don't think you ever master regexes. When you think you know what you are doing you see a 5k character text parser in one giant regex and want to slam your head on a desk.