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Women are, funnily enough, female members of the species homo sapiens and there is a lot of scientific evidence on what they find attractive in a potential mate.

Show me this evidence. If that is really your attitude towards women then it's no wonder you feel the need to read a book like this. Try a little respect for your fellow people, you'll have much more fulfilling experiences with women if you stop believing what science tells you and actually take an interest in the people around you

Sure - you're three times as likely to get a woman's number if you ask while walking a dog:


A light touch on the forearm also increases the chances of getting a number:


That's a start for ya.

There's nothing this society hates more than beta males. Your comment confirms it. God forbid a guy ain't a natural with women and needs some advice. He's probably deformed, deranged, and dangerous.

My problem isn't with people needing advice to get laid, god knows I was terrible with women in my youth. What I don't appreciate is guides that focus entirely on how to get women into bed via what is effectively trickery and misogyny. It should be teaching fundamental respect, social awareness, equality, consent, self-appreciation - these are the qualities that will allow you to form lasting connections with people (and not just women). Yeah, these tricks might help you get a drunk girl into bed but she'll probably regret it afterwards and so will you!

>stop believing what science tells you

You can't be serious.

Someone on Hacker News advocating not to believe in science? Really?

Preaching to the wrong crowd. I love science, but I can't stand it when people try to apply 'logic and reeeason' to social concepts like this one. It's pseudoscience at best. We're human, not vulcan, after all...

Well, the nice thing about science and nature is that they keep working whether or not you think they're applicable.

If the scientific method applied to everyone's personal social problems and stances, why would anyone need this book?

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