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Go look at the number one thread in r/gaming right now.



Sony may have won out of the established competitors but the Oculus Rift will be coming out this generation too. Given the support it has so far I don't doubt that it will become a major competitor, so it's too early to say Sony 'won'.

As far as I know, the Oculus Rift isn't really a competitor in that it's not a console. It's not stand-alone. Doesn't it require a gaming PC to actually power the display? In that sense, it's not the Oculus Rift that's a new competitor, it's that the old competitor (PC gaming) has just gotten a new innovation.

Oculus Rift is a peripheral, it's not a gaming platform. For all we know, the PS4 might get Oculus Rift support in an update.

And that aside, the Oculus Rift, if anything, would just bring a new part to the battle between PC vs console gaming. It's not really related to this at all.

Although the Oculus Rift is exciting tech, I don't really have high hopes for a product that makes nearly every user feel nauseated.

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