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Meanwhile you still pay your taxes and you vote for your sitting senator. Where's your responsibility here? Maybe you'll hate them so much over the years and as soon as a decent competitor is around, you'll vote for that guy?

These are big companies and putting pressure on them like this is both practical (just pick your data-hosting European country carefully, though) and could create economic leverage on Congress, but I think it's kind of bullshit when these transparency reports mention receiving between "0-999" National Security Letters, and Eric Schmidt is telling people about the PATRIOT Act requiring them to hand over information, and now you're saying "what?? they're handing over data because of an order that doesn't require probable cause established in front of a judge?"

I don't want to come off as too harsh here, but, yes, this is what we've been banging the drum on for years about. Jewel v NSA[1] is very nearly 5 years old now, and the executive branch is trying to drag it out even longer. Welcome to the fight; let's try to make our country livable instead of dreaming about jumping ship but doing nothing in the meantime.

[1] https://www.eff.org/cases/jewel

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