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I really don't understand what is the problem here. Sometimes the market can't do things properly, and there, tesla motor is a great example.

A consumer market is not always great when you want to make new things, because both consumers AND current manufacturers will say they are happy with what they have, and won't see your initiative like a good thing. Consumers absolutely can't have a say in anything because they're not educated and they're financing big existing groups.

Money acts as some sort of vote, that's not very hard to understand.

> hey here you have money so you can compete with competent guys using their money!

It's a loan, it's not like tesla stole money. To top it off, it was reimbursed 9 years early. What can you be angry about ? That businesses as usual are not given loans by the government ? Imagine the chaos it would create. Government is just stimulating innovation, it works, and now it's like the soviets are rigging the game. The invisible hand is a theory, not a proven thing that always works in practice.

Umm, no. Taxpayers are still subsidizing $7,500 per Tesla sold.

They're also subsidizing cheap gas to the tune of $1 billion per day in Iraq and other Middle East engagements. Economies are very complicated, there's pros and cons for every action and inaction.

Can you give me an actual link that explains what you're specifically talking about?

Well let's look at the oil and food subsidies, and compare them with the electric cars ones. I can take a wild guess and say they are on different order of magnitudes. I wonder if I'm wrong.

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