Statistics here are easily manipulated. Usually these stats are kid centric, because that's how he census bureau tabulates the data... Nearly 70% of black children are in a household with a single mother vs. 45% Latino, 25-30% white, 15% Asian. The numbers vary when you flip it to be parent-centric, and you can cherry-pick states to some extent to find the results that you want.
If you want to decrease single motherhood, you don't need to start a company... You need to change the regulations about certain public benefits that essentially require working class people to not marry in order to raise children. A married, working couple with marginal jobs qualifies for food stamps at best. As a single mother (not required to report the boyfriend's income), you get free daycare, free formula, free healthcare for the child, housing subsidy and additional food subsidy (wic).
These benefits can be worth as much as $50k -- more than household income for a married couple. So many poor folks don't marry.
To back this concept up, check out this post[1] on Zerohedge which points out how it's becoming more lucrative to work a minimum wage job (or no job at all) and collect entitlements than it is to work a 'middle-class' job.
Caucasians (aka "White") is a pretty broad term. It does not necessarily mean that you have to be as pale as a Finnish or British person, in order to be classified as white.
As far as I understand it, many arabs are also caucasians, including most bedouins in North Africa. So again, it covers a lot of people, so logically it should (as far as I understand it) cover hispanics with 50%+ european origins as well.
This does not add up.