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Hey, Elli from HireArt here.

We work only with non-technical jobs like marketing, biz dev, sales, etc (we think technical jobs are quite different). And then we have two different types of challenges: 1) Challenges that individual employers create 2) General industry challenges that candidates can use to apply to lots of jobs.

In terms of how we come up with the questions, we mostly just ask employers: "What does this employee do at work" and then we ask candidates to do similar tasks.

Hi Elli, thank you for your response. This is a very interesting startup that I will have to follow. I have a few more questions:

1) How do you price your service? Do you price it by the number of successful hires/ number of job listing / number of questions they ask? How much do you charge?

2) How long does it take to fill up a position after it is posted?

3) As I understand it, you guys are doing most of the heavy lifting by scanning through the questions yourself. How do you plan on scaling the business?

4) How do you judge whether a candidate is suitable for a position? In many instances, tell me about your personality or broad questions are not helpful in pulling top 10 candidates out of 500. I was expecting HireArt to focus on technical jobs since you can give out technical tests - like the excel test cited on NY times.

I'd be interested in hearing how you got such a high-profile writeup.

This is not a snark attack. Genuine interest.

> Sharef (who was my daughter’s college roommate)...

In the end, connections still matter then...


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