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Very glad to see this on the front page. This is by far the best PHP framework out there. It still blows me away what it is capable of.

Hi, I'm currently a heavy codeigniter user, looking for a switch. Can you please give me some of these examples you speak of that blow you away? Thank you.

one that got me was in a controller you can:

     return Model::Find('asdf=1');
and it outputs a json serialized array as html. so your ajax action is like one line of code, yay. or you can $row = Model::Find('asdf=1'); and manipulate in php from there.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSt9rBa_oUM this guys series on laravel is really good.

> and it outputs a json serialized array as html

Actually, it renders a raw JSON response - a single object of 'unguarded' attributes (all by default) for the model with Content-Type: application/json set. It has nothing to do with HTML.

Your syntax is invalid too. To do what you want you'd actually call

    return Model::where('asdf', 1)->first();

lets just say im a ex-CI user that wrote a huge app in CI and abandoned CI and went w/ Laravel the move cost 4 months of devs and about 20K... it was worth it.

with no leadership and clear vision CodeIgniter is screwed... L4 follows PHP-Fig standards and it uses composer packaging, it has great leadership, community and is growing...

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