So in your opinion, languages are ranked in order of "performance"? See, in my experience, it just doesn't work that way. Sometimes it does, sure, but it's not a rule that I can use in my life.
Seems like it would be nice if I could just say "I need this done fast, I'll use Python" or "I need 'performance' so I'll use Golang"
And to be fair, many benchmarks in Go don't perform nearly as fast as C or even the JVM. Go has gotten faster with each point release but again, these sorts of raw performance benchmarks aren't really good for anything except providing an apples-to-apples comparison. Because it's not usually a question of building the same exact app in the same exact way in one language or another.
Seems like it would be nice if I could just say "I need this done fast, I'll use Python" or "I need 'performance' so I'll use Golang"
And to be fair, many benchmarks in Go don't perform nearly as fast as C or even the JVM. Go has gotten faster with each point release but again, these sorts of raw performance benchmarks aren't really good for anything except providing an apples-to-apples comparison. Because it's not usually a question of building the same exact app in the same exact way in one language or another.