From a recent-grad perspective, Yahoo fell far, far behind the rest of Big Tech on the desired employment scale. Part of this was for changeable reasons -- we've read in recent months about the larger offers and better perks that Mayer's been implementing -- but another huge reason is that Yahoo's workplace has a reputation for uninspiring people doing uninspiring work.
From all the anecdotes I've heard about Yahoo's workforce (and yes, I realize they are merely anecdotes) -- the subpar engineers should be worried, but the great engineers should be excited.
From a recent-grad perspective, Yahoo fell far, far behind the rest of Big Tech on the desired employment scale. Part of this was for changeable reasons -- we've read in recent months about the larger offers and better perks that Mayer's been implementing -- but another huge reason is that Yahoo's workplace has a reputation for uninspiring people doing uninspiring work.
From all the anecdotes I've heard about Yahoo's workforce (and yes, I realize they are merely anecdotes) -- the subpar engineers should be worried, but the great engineers should be excited.