I upvoted your comment but I also note that your background and training is very different than mine is. I look at things from a human nature point of view mostly and by my gut feelings which makes me think the way I do. That has tended to work for me based on past experience. As an aside I don't have a degree in psychology or anything special that qualifies me as someone special other than just plenty of experience and observation over the years. And I happen to be exceptional at negotiation and strategy (not that I can or will prove that so take that for what it's worth). And I've certainly frustrated many attorneys over the years as well.
As a tangible example I had a case where someone wanted something from me and my lawyer said "they have a good case and you will have a really hard time etc. etc.". Legally he was right. However in my view the company that wanted the "something" also had a new facility that was opening in 3 months approx. and I realized that they would rather pay and acquire the item then they would follow a legal route (regardless of outcome or cost).
So while I am not disagreeing with the method to which you look at this it isn't the way that I think.
That said it's entirely possible that the strategy of putting up a fight each and every time could work to the advantage of someone being trolled. But I've seen enough cases of people following different legal strategies to know that it must have drawbacks because not every top legal mind seems to go that route.
As they say ask 10 get 10 opinions.
Lastly, I'm sure you would agree that a lawyer is at least somewhat biased in wanting to follow a "fight everyone" strategy as it (for lack of a better way to put it) lines his pockets.
As a tangible example I had a case where someone wanted something from me and my lawyer said "they have a good case and you will have a really hard time etc. etc.". Legally he was right. However in my view the company that wanted the "something" also had a new facility that was opening in 3 months approx. and I realized that they would rather pay and acquire the item then they would follow a legal route (regardless of outcome or cost).
So while I am not disagreeing with the method to which you look at this it isn't the way that I think.
That said it's entirely possible that the strategy of putting up a fight each and every time could work to the advantage of someone being trolled. But I've seen enough cases of people following different legal strategies to know that it must have drawbacks because not every top legal mind seems to go that route.
As they say ask 10 get 10 opinions.
Lastly, I'm sure you would agree that a lawyer is at least somewhat biased in wanting to follow a "fight everyone" strategy as it (for lack of a better way to put it) lines his pockets.