It's not perfect, but it's nice to see someone pop CouchDB's bubble.
It took me quite a while to realize that for all it's bluster, the all the talk about CouchDB being 'distributed' is at best conjecture, and mostly just bullshit.
No, it wasn't. When someone starts off with what appears to be a limited understanding of the difference between replicated and distrbuted, lumps systems that are clearly _not_ key-value stores in with the list (apparently so that he can throw in an vague dismissal and move on), and then ends the whole lame wrap-up by declaring that he just decided to write his own version of a system that was already on his list (but was dismissed because he thought parts of it were too complex for him to understand) then warning bells should be going off in your head.
decided to write his own version of a system that was already on his list
It isn't necessarily unreasonable to write your own version of an existing system. Sometimes you can do something much simpler that meets your particular needs. Also, in many cases it's easier to write code than to read it. Edit: the OP makes a similar point in an amusing way: at least when it breaks, you’ll be more fond of it.
It took me quite a while to realize that for all it's bluster, the all the talk about CouchDB being 'distributed' is at best conjecture, and mostly just bullshit.