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Since I became a convert to the "put your own VM in the frameworks and add a cute language for your core logic" kind of school of thought, I seriously cannot see the value in Obj-C and the Android/Java thing. I've been writing code in these environments for decades: I'm now seriously addicted to Lua.

2 years of Lua work, and I absolutely cringe with the idea of having to go back to Java/Obj-C/C++, in any context other than to push a bridge across the VM gap to some framework.

Its a smaller language, its lighter. It performs quite well, and can be put almost anywhere there is a lib.so file (so: everywhere). Choose what you want to link with, extend the external API's with Lua, and leave the whole problem of obscure languages for the young 'uns..

So, its not so much about my desire to pimp Lua, but my point is this: You can choose whatever language you want, actually, to develop a core host environment with, but use a very simple, sweet language for the majority of the work.

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