So basically, a junior dev came to you for help because he didn't understand how to solve the problem, you spent a lot of time showing off how much you knew about the subject but didn't actually help him solve it, then he went back and struggled on it for months, still couldn't figure it out, and finally got transferred to a different department. This sounds to me like you being unhelpful and condescending towards someone less experienced than yourself.
Hardly. It was his job to resolve the issue, that's what he was employed to do. That wasn't Rachel's job, and in fact she went out of her way to explain to him how to resolve the issue.
What would you have her do? Do the fix herself? If so - phooey to you, that wasn't her job and she shouldn't have done so. If you don't think she should have done the fix herself, then the only other recourse here would be for Rachel to not give any help at all and let them struggle on themselves.
The developer attempted to push out a change that Rachel had already said wasn't acceptable, then made a massive fuss to his managers and attempted to make her look bad. Then Rachel explained, in detail, why she said no - developer got transferred due to his own incompetence. I can't feel any sympathy for that developer!
Really? It sounds like he explained all of the relevant tools and APIs, and the junior dev decided he didn't actually have to learn any of that and instead could just code monkey his way through.
Basically, the junior dev sounds incredibly incompetent. Some people you just can't teach.
You've heard of the expression about leading a horse to water, right? At some point, if the horse won't drink, you take it out back and shoot it. It's no good to you if it can't feed itself.