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"Look for reasons why you are wrong, not reasons why you are right."

I share your worldview. Makes intuitive sense to me. It's intellectually honest. And if I'm wrong about something and no one corrects me, I get kinda grumpy.

Maybe everyone else already knows, but I learned relatively late that it's called Popperian.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Popper#Philosophy_of_scien... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falsifiability

Falsifiability is one natural landing point, but it is also somewhat controversial. What I'm advocating isn't so much a philosophy as a state of mind, one hopefully less controversial than trying to declare a "definition of science". I think of it more like a mind hack you can perform on yourself. (So much discipline boils down to figuring out how your conscious brain can fool your subconscious brain.)

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