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thanks for the excellent link. the comments on the article are also very nice. here is one from "NathanM" (nathan-c-meyers perhaps ?):

And yes, I'd love it if the compiler (or other static code analysis) could detect how pure various bits of code are, and give reports. For far too long, compiler authors have treated compilers as a big opaque box that end users (developers) submit code to, and the compiler hands out code as if from on high. Smart developers want to have a 2-way communication with their compiler, learning about all sorts of things -- functional purity, headers over-included, which functions it decided to inline or not (especially in LTCG), etc. It's not the 1960s anymore -- developers aren't bringing shoeboxes of punchcards of source code to submit for offline processing. Let's get closer to a coffee shop where we can talk in realtime.

I think things are trending towards being more interactive.

In the immediate future, GHC is going to become more interactive by adding "type holes". Essentially, you can just leave out parts of your program and the compiler will tell you what type needs to go there. So instead of writing your program and checking if it typechecks, the type system can actually help you formulate the code in the first place!

Further afield, a bunch of people at the lab I'm working at are working on interactive systems that use a solver running in the background to solve problems for the programmers. These can be used to do all sorts of things from finding bugs to actually generating new code. Being interactive lets the solver suggest things without being 100% certain--the programmer can always supply more information. This also makes the solvers easier to scale because if it's not terminating quickly, it can just ask for more guidance from the programmer.

I think the general trend towards more interactive development is pretty exciting.

There's already a very primitive version of "type holes" available, namely, undefined. I realize it's not as advanced as what's to come, but I find myself using it somewhat frequently.

(For non- or fledgling Haskellers, "undefined" has any type, so if you define a function that plugs into your code and make its return value "undefined", then you can look at the type signature of the function and learn what the compiler proved about the type of that function. Pretty handy!)

Type holes themselves are already included in the HEAD of the GHC trunk, and will be included with the next release I believe. Undefined is useful, but you can't get the types of a specific subexpression easily -- with type holes, you can.

Slight upgrade: turn on the -XImplicitParams flag and then use ?nameGoesHere instead of undefined. Detailed type information will leak out in the errors or, if it can infer all of the types, the type of the top level expression that contains your ?implicit.

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