I remember seeing a couple of links in the past about really fast, lightweight web application development frameworks that seem to streamline a lot of things — unfortunately I didn't bookmark any at the time. I'm sure one almost described itself as a Bootstrap for web apps. I'd love to find one or two, but it's proving difficult.
I sure most were ruby based — think Padrino.
In any case, It'd be nice to see some suggestions from the community here so I can make some educated choices for a couple of small projects I have planned.
I use a Rails-ish directory structure {controllers,models,helpers,server,views} and can be knocking out the first skeleton pages and APIs in minutes.
I don't think Go needs a framework to be a really good fast web app language/environment.
If anyone is interested in a sample app I might knock one up just so that people can clone it and get started. There wouldn't be much to it, as I'm consumed by other work, but maybe people want such an example.