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Would have been a funny addition to the poll :)

Been working on one from a MakerGear kit for 6 months now on and off. Down to the calibration and a bad endstop now it seems. There was a good article recently on how to know which path to go down re: purchasing a printer prebuilt vs. a kit vs. buying individual parts that was a good read.

Did you use a kit or by individual parts?

I bought parts, and had it all unit tested, really. All four axes worked, I had the board running my own firmware build I could play with. The extruder got hot and appeared to be functioning correctly with the thermistor. But I had a goof getting the bed assembled/leveled which forced me to tear it off and order new bearings. And by the time those arrived family and distractions had pulled me away. And of course by now the Prusa is old news. But I'll get back to it someday, if not with this printer than with another.

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