The one time I looked at that reddit thread, it appeared that “they thought” it was about 25 different people. If you think everyone is guilty, you’re bound to be right eventually.
I see your account was created just for this single comment, to spread fear and hate. I'm not replying to you for your sake; I'm just posting this here for the rest of the HN folks because I'm beginning to think this vid[1] will be needed in the days to come.
I would say his comment is simply reflecting on the odds. Its islamic extremists who are spreading fear and hate. Who hijacked your religion? See Beslan School Massacre on youtube.
The problem with this kind of thinking is that you put the blame squarely on religion. It shows a lack of consideration of what the _core_ cause is. Why do they not like America? Did they just wake up one day and said "Okay, let's blow 'em up". Some group of people got angry at America[1], then fooled a bunch of religious people to believe following them is doing their deity's wishes. Instead of just saying, "See! Islam is bad!" you should look to the root of the issue.
Same problem with just going around saying "black people steal". When you state it like that, you make it sound like it's the skin color that causes stealing; it lacks the full consideration of history and what happened with this group of people and the current social-economics that is not balanced. Whatever you think the reason is, I can tell you that the color of your skin doesn't make you good or bad. Just like being religious doesn't make you good or bad.
1. And let me tell you, these folks have reason to be mad at USA. While I understand blowing up people is never a reasonable reaction, religion is not the origin of the problem.
EDIT: And I see your youtube vid link, it's the same issue. Religion is the not the cause, it is exploited by people who want power.